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Showing posts from January, 1979

Union organizing at the AGO

Title: Union organizing at the AGO Poster in support of OPSEU's successful organizing drive at the AGO. The first King Tut exhibition was at the AGO. Creator: Carole Conde & Karl Beveridge Date: 1979 Format: Collage poster

Los Compañeros: Blazing Frontiers

Title: Los Compañeros: Blazing Frontiers Cover of " Blazing Frontiers " - first album of the Chilean-Greek band Los Compañeros who were driven into exile by military dictatorships in their homelands. They rose to prominence thanks to an extended residency at Toronto's Trojan Horse coffeehouse. Creator: Freire & Guastavino (graphics) Date: 1979 Format: Album Cover

Tribute to Victor Jara

Title: Tribute to Victor Jara Cover of 16-page program for concert at Convocation Hall with exiled Chilean musical group - Quilapayun . Inside: greetings from Toronto's progressive mayor John Sewell. Toronto Committee for Solidarity with Democratic Chile. Creator: Richard Peachy (graphic design) Date: 1979 Format: Concert Program

Canadian Farmworkers Union

Title: Canadian Farmworkers Union Poster in support of the Canadian Farmworkers Union (CFU, 1978 to 1987) organizing drive in Southern Ontario depicting tobacco pickers, a major crop at the time centered around Delhi, Ontario. Creator: Carole Condé + Karl Beveridge Date: 1979 Format: Offset Poster