Title: Whole Loaf Theatre (2) The Whole Loaf Theatre (1976-1995) was founded by Sara Barker and David Anderson to develop upon popular theatre forms for shows in public spaces. Their shows were motivated by their progressive political views. Between 1976-1980 Sara and David fought for and won a precedent-setting right to perform on the streets and in the parks of Toronto. Creator: Artist- Designer: Sara Barker Date: 1976-1995 Format: Cover of 8-page booklet
Title: Whole Loaf Theatre (1) The Whole Loaf Theatre built huge puppets for outdoor spectacles. Over the years its giant pageants were part of many marches and demonstrations and were performance at many folk festivals and schools. Produced with donations from audiences, artists fees and (later) grants. Creator: Sara Barker (puppet designer) Date: 1979-1995 Format: Photo